Our mission is to increase the number of graduates from Seventh-day Adventist institutions by awarding scholarships to undergraduate seniors who are unable to graduate because of a financial need.
“We currently know of over 100 students who will not be able to begin classes this fall without major assistance...We are expecting even more students with a similar problem to contact us.”*
This is the reality at just one SDA university. In 2019-2020, more than 21,000 students attended thirteen Seventh-day Adventist colleges or universities in North America.** Every year, there are likely thousands of students facing similar challenges at these schools.
* Andrea Luxton, Andrews University President (2020)
** Adventisteducation.org (2020)
2021-2022: Award $2,500 to one Seventh-day Adventist college/university partner
By 2025: Award $2,500 in annual scholarships to six Seventh-day Adventist college/university partners each
By 2030: Award $5,000 in annual scholarships to each of the 13 Seventh-day Adventist colleges/universities
SDACF was founded by Dr. Linford Martin, a retired pastor and former executive secretary of the Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Board of directors include prominent leaders in the following fields: management, finance, law, marketing, fundraising and higher education.
Scholarships Funded by Your Donations
All donations are tax deductible under the IRS’ federal tax code
Many convenient donation options available, including: GoFundMe, Zelle, PayPal, and checks
Receipts provided for all donations to ensure transparency and accountability